Monday, March 26, 2018

Sadie Schiermeyer

Trump on Syria

Because he wants other countries to take care of it, Trump is discussing ways for the US to leave the Syria conflict. Although it would be noble to pull out for global security reasons, advisors say the real reason for pulling out is economic. “Nothing but death and destruction” has resulted from our time in Syria regardless of the trillions of dollars put into the effort. Trump says that he wants to get the troops back home “like, very soon” in order to start building up our nation once again.

For once, I kind of agree with Trump. I feel like we’ve done what we can for the cause and using our valuable resources may not be worth it anymore. Because we are in so much debt, it would be better to just bring the troops home and not linger over Syria much longer. We can look at the past and reflect that we have never really been the ones to step back first, resulting in more debt, death, and destruction. However, I don’t think we need to pull out entirely. It is still important to help as many people as we can and not leave the Syrian citizens completely helpless.

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