Monday, March 26, 2018

larsen nichols- "biblical" defense for Trump's affair

For conservatives and evangelical supporters of Trump, his affair with Stormy Daniels provides somewhat of a query and question of ethics. The story of King David in the Bible has been used by many of these people to defend and justify his case. These people recognize that both King David and Trump are imperfect human beings that committed adultery, but say they can still be chosen to carry out God's perfect work.

This article was written earlier today, March 26th, by Jane Coaston, a Senior Politics Reporter at Vox news. It aims to inform people on how even Trump's worst actions are being defended by his supporters.
In the story of King David (the same David who defeated Goliath), he is a leader beloved by all his subjects and supposedly "chosen by God". Though he was married to several women, he committed adultery with another married woman whose husband was off at war, and she got pregnant. To protect himself, he killed the woman's husband. In consequence, David's son with the woman was killed, and he repented for his sins. And there's the difference: Trump has publicly stated that he should not have to ask forgiveness for his actions when he has done nothing wrong. How people are defending Trump's actions with this story reflects major hypocrisy and I just don't understand it. These are the people that are self-proclaimedly so devoted to God and attached to their morals that they should be doing good in the world, not defending evil. As a non-religious person, I can't speak with lots of experience on this, but in my opinion, nobody who's a true, devoted Christian and follows the principles of the Bible would defend a man who's done as many terrible things as Trump.

Synthesis: This article can be related to the Christian justification of slavery and slaveholding since the 15th century in America. In both cases, people used the Bible to defend actions and practices that were not right and that they should've know weren't right.


  1. Ok I just want to make it clear that I am not stating my opinion on Trump's action, but I am a Christian and do understand how the church works. The job of Christians are to forgive and be merciful to one another as we see God as merciful and forgiving. Christians job is not to judge others, but to leave it to God, because Christians see God as the only opinion who truly matters. This may not be true for all people, but not all people are the same like not all Christians are the same, but that is how I see Christianity.
    Brooke Simpson

  2. While I don't have a lot of personal experience with the Christian Church and its teachings, I think it's shameful to try to use a religion's sacred text in order to justify the gross actions of a divisive figure whose actions and beliefs are certainly not representative of the entirety of Christianity and its followers. Trying to use religious justification for Trump's actions, Christian or otherwise, does a serious injustice to all those who practice that religion and find those actions repulsive.
