Monday, March 19, 2018

Henry Haas- Austin Bombings connections

Authorities are now stating that the Austin bombing could be related to two other attacks that occurred soon after the first three explosions. All of the victims that have died so far have been colored, leading many in the community to feel threatened, more so than the entire populous. The high ups still say they do not know the motive for the attacks, however they have not ruled out the possibility that it is a hate crime. There is a large reward for any new information or clue regarding the case, but in all honesty at this point it just feels like another one to add to the list.

I feel it is a horrible thing that I am able to stand behind that last statement. It seems that no matter what sort of law enforcement we place into this country or what kind of action we take we’re always going two steps back. It reminds me of the fertilizer bomb in Oklahoma City two years ago. That man was from the United States, he grew up there. Yet he found it wrong, and so he killed over 50 people, 10 or so being children. They lost their chance because of one selfish decision. It’s the same case for that attack and every other one in my opinion. I know that sometimes things weigh you down, but being so selfish as to place ruin on others because of your agenda just doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe I’m being too apathetic but I think to stop these isn’t going to happen until we make it clear that these evil acts will be punished with evil justice. The death penalty is too good for these people.


  1. I think you are coming from the point of the person who is murdering and making others suffer, but the Constitution says there is no cruel and unusual punishment. We can't turn our prison system into prisoner of war camps like the Japanese had, torturing American citizens. I don't think that we will ever find a US that tortures its citizens, but maybe I'm wrong; the way I see it the first Ten Amendments will never be changed.
    Brooke Simpson

  2. Yes from that point of view I suppose you are right. It’s horrible that I think that they deserve the kind of punishment that we gave those people but at the same time I find it so hard to forgive. I’m glad people like you and those in our government don’t make rash decisions as I do.
