Monday, March 26, 2018

Allison Majors 3/26

     Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator, stated that students should be learning CPR and how to protect themselves and other students if a violent shooter comes in rather than rallying for gun control. He believes that students should take care of their own problems and not look to others to solve them. He even suggested that students try solving bullying problems instead of seeking for protection. These statements outraged many teens and caused many eruptions on social media.
           I am stunned that this guy made these statements and stands strong in them. I think that he could have said his opinions in a different way that wasn’t as harsh. The relates to our history because in the past there have been times when it was hard to get a law passed because a group of people had contradicting views on a matter. They weren’t afraid to speak their mind and defy against everyone else’s thoughts.


  1. I agree with the way he presented his opinions were pretty harsh and bold. Many people are not afraid to speak for what they believe in.

  2. First of all, we are solving our own issues since adults like him clearly don't care about what we have to say. Second, hand-to-hand combat doesn't do anything when your opponent has an AR-15. We're using completely unrelated issues to solve a specific problem to avoid the real solution, it's infuriating.
