Monday, March 26, 2018

LaCentheah Bagley period 2 "Arizona suspends Uber's self-driving car tests after fatal crash"

Summary: Uber has been currently using states to do test drives for their self driving vehicles. Early last week one car became out of control and ran into and killed a pedestrian, since then there has been a further investigation. Recently today the amazonia governor has outlawed the tests in the state by stating that the accident was "disturbing and alarming." In response to this Uber has taken all of its autonomous vehicles from the roads.
This article was written on March 26, 2018 written by Selena Larson. This article was made to be targeted by the people and just to warn people that these things are happening and to just be careful. I feel like the governor made the right decision because this could happen again depending on what the technology is doing and how it reacts to the different environment. This article was also a follow up on the recent one to just keep people updated.

1 comment:

  1. Tests are unavoidable and fundamental in issuing these machines and their safety, however, these tests can and should be practiced in private areas without the risk of harming others.
