Thursday, February 22, 2018

Parkland Victims- Remi White

These are the victims of the Florida school shooting

 Innocent students, and teachers were murdered and severely injured, by a former classmate/student. On Sunday at Stonewall high school the shooter killed 17 innocent people. Not only did he murder former classmates, but he ruined the lives of their loved ones.
Its time the government start taking gun control more seriously. A sign saying guns are prohibited on this premises will not make some who came with the intention to harm ppl to simply not. and i know people are saying every school needs metal detectors but that doesn't seem like a real solution to me, Booker T has metal detectors so it would seem that we would feel safer at our own school, but there are many entrances and exits, and if i am being honest my heart races when i hear a loud noise at school, i do not feel safe at all. No matter what schools try to do to make the campus safer nothing will change unless the gun laws do.


  1. Olivia Wall- This event is so sad and creates an uneasy feeling in all of our stomachs. I think more precautions and changes need to occur.

  2. I completely agree with you. Gun laws need to be changed, and I do not understand how some people do not understand this. The shootings and students not feeling safe at school should be enough reason to change and make the gun laws better/more effective.
