Monday, February 26, 2018

Katelyn Thompson-Trump says not to be 'afraid' of NRA, says he's 'writing out' use of bump stocks

This article was written by Noah Gray and Jeremy Diamond from CNN. Earlier today, the president met with state governors trying to convince them not to be afraid of the NRA.  He said, "don't worry about the NRA, they're on our side". He also pledged to find a way to eliminate the use of bumper fire stocks and improve mental health issues. He also states that he wants mental institutions "like the old days," where people could place people in involuntarily. He continued saying that he met over the weekend with the head of the NRA CEO Wayne Lapierre and head of its lobbying arm, Chris Cox. It should be mentioned that the NRA spent more than $30 million to back Trumps presidential bid. However the president has signaled support for measures that the NRA opposes, for example raising the age to buy a semi automatic. The President and the NRA also talked about raising background checks, something they agreed on.
Trump goes into talking about arming teachers with guns, and Washington Governor, Jay Inslee retaliated by mentioning how he has met with teachers who do not want to carry a gun, he has met with law enforcement that doesn't want to train teachers in law enforcement.
My analysis of this article is that it is liberal, it addresses gun violence, and talks back to the president. in my opinion, I believe that GOV. Inslee was trying to tell Trump that schools should not be fortresses. They should be an open learning environment that generates creativity, not a dungeon with a mote guarded by armed teachers who have only had 6 months of training.
My synthesis is that this relates to the second amendment right which is the right to bear arms, but is it really a right when there have been 18 school shootings between January first and February 14?

1 comment:

  1. These comments from Trump are frightening to me. Nobody should be allowed to place someone in a mental institution without their consent. I think half of the comments he makes now are for shock value.
