Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Let the Teachers Teach" David Bagley

Trump's choice to call teachers to arms was not very smart, this article discusses the risk of a scared, inaccurate teacher to combat somebody with nothing to lose. Although the fact that somebody is armed on the premises, most shooters have nothing to lose.

This most closely relates to the revolution era, when ordinary citizens armed themselves against a common enemy, though the majority and minority roles were swapped.


  1. I don’t understand the thought process behind making teachers carry guns. Schools are not prisons and shouldn’t be treated as so, just to let guns be justified.

  2. Excuse me for just a moment while I openly state reasons why guns in schools would defeat the purpose of establishing safety:
    Teachers will not be prepared enough or trained enough to understand gun usage, majority of teachers do not wish to have the role of both teacher and police officer (that's why we have officers), a gun in the school could be mishandled by student or teacher causing more chances of school shootings, the chances of someone with a gun stopping a shooter are actually 3% (based off of Vox reporting) whereas 13% of shootings that have actually been stopped were because of UNARMED civilians, and the fact that enabling more guns makes it easier for unstable people to get guns. Long story short, I agree with your article and I see no logic in "good guy with a gun" unless you want a spike in mass shootings and criminal gun homicides.
