Saturday, February 24, 2018

Candace Biggurs

This article speaks on this years flu season and how it more intense than anything since the swine flu pandemic of 2009.They say that the nationally the people falling ill with the flu increasing rapidly.It has surpassed the 2014-2015 flu season and during that season 56,000 died.Dr.Daniel B. Jernigan said we should be expecting number like that once again.In the last flu season there was about 148 children,but they said that it’s too early to predict how it will be this time.Even though it’s quite late in the season the still recommend that you get a flu shot.I connect this to APUSH because the flu this season is a unfamiliar on the has only been circulating in Hong Kong. It reminds me of when Europeans came to the New World and brought new diseases that were uncommon to the natives so spread quickly and caused major problems.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia Wall- I have noticed that the flu this year has been so bad, and it has caused huge outbreaks.
