Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trump Budget Wants Billions More for Border Wall, Immigration Agents and Judges- Miadora Ibanez

Summary-  For 2019, President Trump is requesting that more money goes towards stopping illegal immigration, and go specifically towards building the border wall that Trump promised in his 2016 campaign; hiring more immigration agents, and hiring more immigration judges. This could cause other federal agencies to have their budget cut down "by as much as 26%." While Trump has said that the increase "reflects his administration's serious and ongoing commitment to make our immigration system work for Americans", many critics say that this increase will only make life more difficult for undocumented immigrants who have no criminal record. During Trump's presidency, immigrant arrests have increased, while the number of deportations has dropped.

Analysis- I think it would be less beneficial for the U.S. economy if the U.S. deported all of the illegal immigrants from the U.S., because illegal immigrants contribute billions of dollars to our economy each year. While a very small percentage of illegal immigrants have criminal records, many illegals hold jobs in the US and are paid less money to do these jobs than legal American citizens. I just don't think Trumps plan, which is to dedicate over 18 billion dollars over ten years to preventing immigrants from coming into the U.S. is very smart

1 comment:

  1. Trumps plan would hurt our economy in many ways. I hope he knows that even if he does manage to put up a wall, people will find a way into our country; I hope they do just to prove a point. Immigrants contribute so much to our country and should be treated as so.
