Monday, February 26, 2018

Trump Says He Would Have Rushed in Unarmed to Stop School Shooting - Jacob Meazle


Summary: During a meeting with state governers, President Trump, while trying to find a way to respond to the shooting in Florida, stated that, even if he was unarmed, he would have rushed into the building to protect students from harm. Speaking to the solutions, Trump said “you just don’t know until you test it,” referring to arming teachers, or reopening mental institutions.

Position: Trump needs to stop with the rhetoric, and start with the action. Assault rifles/military grade weapons should not be in the hands of American citizens. The 2nd amendment is meant for people to defend themselves. Americans have abused that privilege and are stockpiling weapons that they shouldn’t have their hands on.


  1. I highly doubt that Trump would sacrifice his life for the lives of other people considering he's a selfish prick.

  2. ^I agree, he clearly just wanted to sound like he would be helpful in that situation. Rushing into the building would've made i worse anyway.
