Monday, February 26, 2018

Jordan Jimenez - Gun Reform and Florida

  As the majority of the U.S knows, along with a lot of the world, there was a terrible shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, making it one of the deadliest school shootings with seventeen people killed and injured. This week, the students return to the school, all while the debate over gun reform continues. The students have been very outspoken and have sparked a whole movement throughout the states to make sure something like this never happens again. There have been more than a dozen businesses that dropped the NRA over its response to the shooting, and Trump has stated that he'll support stricter background checks and age requirements to buy a gun.
  I can't imagine what those students are going through, and I think they're extremely brave and amazing for not letting this slide and are actually trying to make a difference. I feel like we're really seeing the world change with all the protests and marches occurring, and it's amazing. There have been one too many school shootings (and shootings in general) that have happened throughout the years (ex. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, etc) and it's about time that it comes to an end. While it'll be hard to find the absolute best solution, we can't just sit back and do nothing, and it's time that we let our voices be heard.

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