Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump didn’t coordinate with Russia in 2016, report declares -- Mary Kate Madden

Robert Mueller is officially done with his investigation of two years. To recap, in January 2017, the US intel had said that Russia was influencing the 2016 election to have Trump win. After that FBI Director Comes confirmed that the FBI was looking into it (Trump fired Comey, so they went to Mueller). After two years of digging, he gave his official report to Attorney General Barr. His summary says that Trump is not guilty. However, Mueller's team didn't come to an official conclusion about Trump's possible obstructing justice. Trump is ecstatic, but his team did not get out completely perfect- many close to him face prison time. Trump is still being investigated by a number of congressional committees and persecutors in New York. It's unclear if we'll ever get perfect answers to this case.

Mary Kate Madden


  1. I did my Current Event on the same topic, however I was unaware of the fact that people think that Trump may face jail time. I would like to read into this topic more, as I am always looking to hear the tea ;)
    But also it’s important to know.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. I'm actually surprised to hear this. Great article.

  3. I'll never know what to think about this.
