Monday, March 25, 2019

Actors Discovered Bribing Colleges for Children’s Acceptance - Sloan Daley

The new biggest scandal is that actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are included in a group of dozens of charged in a college admissions cheating scam involving elite colleges and universities that consist of Yale, Georgetown, the University of Southern California and Stanford. Already 50 people have been allegedly indicted as part of the nationwide scheme that has recently broken out. Felicity Huffman gave $15,000 “to participate in the college entrance exam cheating scheme on behalf of her oldest daughter”. Lori Loughlin on the other hand, “donated” an unbelievable amount. She gave $500,000 to have her children designated as crew team recruits, when they had never rowed in their lives. They took two spots from people that probably worked extremely hard to earn their spot that was taken from a scam.

My Source

This scandal reminds me of one that took place in 2008. This one was a company scandal rather than within a family, however lots of secrets were still involved. It is called the Lehman Brothers Scandal. They hid $50 billion in loans and did so by disguising them as sales. $50 billion is significantly more than $500,000 from the Loughlin family. Though these were different reasons for hiding money, they were both caught and suffered their consequences. Now that one college scandal was discovered, over 50 have now been uncovered.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sad way to ruin your career. Although in an unsettling way it seems right that attempting to get into such a prestigious college without hard work should end up kicking you out of yours, as Loughlin and her daughter have now lost several previous brand deals, including Hallmark and Sephora.
