Saturday, March 23, 2019

"The Cold War Contiuned" An interpretation of CNN Article by Adelaide Willert

"Did Russia really chase a US bomber out of its airspace?"

In the cited CNN article by Nathan Hodge, there was discussion over the Russian publication of a video from their Ministry of Defense. According to the Russian MD, an American B-25 bomber was being chased out of Russian airspace by two of their fighters.

This appears to be an extension of Soviet-American tensions. Soviet-American tensions have been building since the conclusion of the second World War and the division of Germany, with the landmark event namely being the Yalta Conference or the Potsdam Conference depending on the interpretation of the historian. Since the end of the Cold War, the Soviet-American relationship has not improved. Be this fault of our president or their leader, all that matters in that there remain hostile tensions between our two countries. This can clearly be seen by the Russian MD's inflammatory claim. If there is ever to truly be a chance at world peace, tensions similar to this and the one between the United Kingdom and members of the European Union must be dissolved.

1 comment:

  1. This was really the perfect time for you to do a blog over this article. nice job citing all those different events :)
