Monday, March 25, 2019

Emma Burkey: After 2nd apparent suicide of Parkland shooting survivor, one parent points to Columbine

This CBS article follows the story of a Parkland school shooting survivor, Sydney Aiello, and her suicide on March 17. Aiello had PTSD from the shooting and had survivor's guilt, however she never reached out and asked for help. The father of a victim of the shooting linked similar feelings and actions to the survivors of the Columbine shooting in 1999. One of Aiello's closest friends, Meadow, was killed in the shooting on February 14, 2018.

As if a school shooting isn't enough of a tragedy, those who survived and their families must now accept the reality of still being haunted by the incident. This is a similar story to another victim of suicide from Parkland and a Sandy Hook father who took his own life. This story not only makes me incredibly sad at this truth, but infuriated at the lack of action. Politicians who continue to push aside the issue of guns and the disasters they lead to don't realize that the people who managed to escape physically, can never escape mentally. I don't know how much more it is going to take for people in power to realize we need proper action, and I don't want to, because this is horrible. We need laws now. It is the first anniversary of the March for Our Lives and it shouldn't be passed over, it should be celebrated for the change that should have come a year ago after Parkland. Two years ago after Las Vegas. Three years ago after Pulse Nightclub. And seven years after Sandy Hook. The list goes on and on, but no matter how you look at it, we should have had laws a long time ago. But, you can't change what never happened, so best make it happen now.

This relates to the suicides that occurs following the Columbine shooting as well as the recent suicide of a father of a Sandy Hook victim.

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