Monday, March 25, 2019

Isadora Lilly- Ohio Man To Drink Only Beer For Lent

Annual holiday Lent, which began at the beginning of this month on March the 6th, has millions around the nation making personal sacrifices and fasting, from giving up food to electronics. However this year, one man from Ohio seemed to have rather done the opposite, and instead of fasting from pleasure has seemingly dived right in, and claims to this year have challenged himself to give up all food and to drink only beer until Easter Sunday.

Del Hall, who works at Fifty West Brewing Company in Cincinnati, Ohio, stated that he is following the lead of monks in the 1600s, who would fast during the season by a bock beer diet: "That would be their liquid bread, and basically it would sustain them through 46 days of Lent." Hall also mentioned his desires to challenge himself, saying, "I'm an army veteran, I was number one in my class in the army, I've run a full marathon before: 26.2 mile. I've done big challenges, but this seems very daunting, so I'm just curious if I'm up to the challenge, if I'm going to be able to do it or not." Instead of undergoing this journey alone, Hall also took to social media to update the public of his beer diet and weight. Despite completely having given up food, he continues to regularly drink water as well as check up with a doctor.

This reminds me of the Prohibition era during the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, in which the U.S. legally banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages with the Eighteenth Amendment. However in this case, Hall is rather doing the opposite by indulging in alcohol. Hopefully Hall accomplishes his goal and this endeavor does not cause him any possible short or long-term effects.


  1. Dumb men like Hall are the reason why people felt strong enough to pass Prohibition in the first place

  2. This is quite interesting ,since I have never heard of such a thing. Also, I hope everything goes well for him.
