Monday, March 25, 2019

Jordan Gillette- Father of Sandy Hook victim apparently took his own life

Summary: Even with the ever-looming misfortune surrounding Sandy Hook elementary already present due to the recent court hearings regarding the right for parents to legally sue Remington, the gun company who sold Adam Lanza the weapons used, tragedy always finds a way to trace back to the morning of December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. On March 25th, 2019, BBC released an article on the death of a Sandy Hook victim's father, who apparently took his own life. Jeremy Richman was the father of six-year-old Avielle, one of the 20 victims who's lives were cut short that day. Reports say that police found him in his office building on Monday, and no further details in regard to his death have been released as of today in respect for the Richman family. The prayers of the police department and the rest of the town reach out to the family.

Analysis: It's always a bit of a shock to see the kinds of ripple effects spawn from a school shooting, and especially an elementary school. Because of that day, when those poor people were in the wrong place at the wrong time, a drop of water, or rather a bullet, fell into a pool of tears that still shows itself to this day in events like a possible suicide nearly 7 years later. This article was written by the writing staff at BBC (the names weren't listed), and this article was written to mourn the death of a parent who had been mourning for seven long years, trying to fill the seeping gap in his heart that opened when his daughter flew up to heaven. Before I read this article, I knew nothing about the death of this father, and how influential a school shooting can be with time. I only pray for the family alongside the town of Newtown. This can be related to the Parkland suicide that happened just a couple days prior.


  1. It’s so sad to see the horrid truths behind these school shootings—the parents of the victims are forced to live with the loss of their child as a result. Jeremy Richman is just one example of the thousands of parents affected by this plague, only it got the better of him. I hope that stories like this continue to bring public awareness of the severity of gun violence in our country, particularly in schools.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. This shows the devastation these horrendous shootings can leave behind, so far after the shootings themselves. If anything, this should serve as a warning on the importance of addressing the shootings with more than just talk and instead action.

  3. Parents should never have to see their children pass. Tragic.

  4. This proves that sometimes; time doesn't heal wounds, especially emotional ones.
