Sunday, March 31, 2019

"3 Mexican Countries" - Chloe Meinershagen

Fox and Friends accidentally headlined the banner for the 6 pm show as "TRUMP CUTS AID TO 3 MEXICAN COUNTRIES" which is literally impossible. The accident was made fun of all Sunday. Many criticized the error of being because of Fox's traditional right winged views. It is also embarrassing since Trump gets lots of his political information from Fox and Friends. Few sympathized with their mistake, some even saying it was evidence of Fox and Friend's true feelings of hispanics. The real story is that Trump is stopping US aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, because they "haven't done a thing for us."

Previously to this, I knew that Fox news was very right sided, and I actually specifically chose this topic because I was aware of how scarily reliant Trump is on Fox and Friends for updates on politics. Trump tweets out "facts" as direct quotes from Fox and Friends while the show is streaming! This is important because the fact that such a news show could write off a mistake seemingly an accident, but truthfully, even if some tired writer wasn't thinking well when typing, the thought in itself is slightly offensive. Summarizing every Latin American as a Mexican is a known "slur", and to have accidentally placed it as a main headline in a new station is extremely embarrassing. I can relate this to yellow journalism during the Spanish-American war, and how the free speech made many Americans want to go to war with Spain, and many how may have believed in the exaggerated texts from the writers. Trump pretty much believes anything Fox with Friends says, and most likely had not even flinched when he read the title, "3 Mexican Countries..."

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