Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mueller report per Attorney General William Barr: Trump campaign did not conspire with Russia during 2016 election -Dillon Quicksall

The long-awaited Mueller report was finally concluded, after 22 months of tense waiting by both parties, and stated that they had not concluded that Trump was guilty of any charges. Quite quickly both parties responded, with the Republicans rejoicing and the Democrats demanding the report be made public. Mueller stated that he desired to make as much of the report public as possible, but that he may run into legal problems.
This is very interesting, as while many are quick to compare it to the infamous Watergate scandal, it may in fact play out as a reverse watergate in which Democrats will have to eventually admit, as more and more evidence emerges, that Trump is innocent, which should, in theory, be easier for one to do due to the "innocent until proven guilty" mentality that the country was built upon. However, with all the coincidental evidence building up against Trump, it feels quite unlikely, at least from my perspective, that he is free from any charge. But it does, however, provide us all with an interesting internal moral dilemma: If this situation played out with a democrat in Trump's place and with all the same evidence, would we still feel the same? Regardless, this report is undeniably important and will likely be read about in history books for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I have mixed feelings about this. Obviously, I am very glad that our president is not a guilty man, but after all the fake news and half-truths given to the public, can we even trust this report? Even if it is a censored version, I agree that the report should be made public.
