Monday, March 25, 2019

Keyanna Smith- "Everything announced at Apple's big presentation"

The company is producing its own lineup of films and TV shows that will be available on any updated version of the company's TV app on Apple devices. They are launching a paid and ad free video portal for its own original movies and and TV shows called Apple TV+.Apple News+ is adding more than 300 magazine subscriptions for a monthly subscription of $9.99. Apple is partnering with Goldman Sachs to make its own credit card this summer and it will be available on all IOS devices in the wallet app.

All of the big things that the company Apple is doing is amazing and this connects back to the industrial revolution and all of the inventions that contributed to the technology now. The invention of the telephone is what led to all of this that is happening now and how all of these technology companies are growing more and more over time.


  1. Good for Apple. They're making great changes in the modern world and will continue to make more.

  2. Very well written article. Apple is doing amazing things, and i like how you connected it to the industrial revolution.
