Sunday, March 31, 2019

Emma Burkey- Columbine students start campaign to share images of their death if they're killed in gun violence

This CNN article discusses a new movement originating from Columbine High school student, Kaylee Tyner that consists of students putting stickers on their ID, that they sign, saying they want images of their body shown in the case they die of gun violence. The #MyLastShot Movement is for the purpose of showing the public the reality of gun violence in America, and not letting it continued to go unnoticed.

I believe Tyner is extremely brave for coming up with this idea. The very thought of our bodies being seen after we die of gun violence is uncomfortable, however, as Tyner says about her parents, "(it) makes them uncomfortable, but that's how it should be." This statement is true because when has there ever been change without seeing the truth? People could turn away from the pictures all they wanted, but they wouldn't be able to deny that they exist. Tyner knows that photography has had profound effect on America, and her example of Emmet Till's death relates it to history. Till's body was a major factor in the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, not because it was hidden, but because it was shone. Many teenagers have begun to support the movement, such as David Hogg, a Parkland survivor, and many Columbine students; I plan to do the same.


  1. This is such a fantastic idea. Yes, it can be negatively construed because it seems to say that students will be shot, but honestly, so many people die per year to shootings that even without this "incentive," they would be noticed. The only way to get things done is to show proof of our system's flaws, and this idea harms no one except our consciences.

  2. this is great to hear. i am glad that they are taking action
