Monday, March 25, 2019

Alex Carrington- Father of a Victim of the Sandy Hook Massacre Commits Suicide

The father of a Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victim was found dead in Newtown, Connecticut, last Monday in an apparent suicide.
In the past, the have been NUMEROUS amounts of massacres that have taken place on school grounds such as the Columbine shooting in 1999, West Nickel Mines shooting in 2006, or the Virginia Tech University shooting in 2007. 
Jeremy Richman was the father of Avielle Richman, who was among the 20 children and six adults killed during the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. He felt such immense pain that he took his life. 
Just a reminder that every action has a price. Try to ensure that the mark you make on the world is a positive one.


  1. This is so sad. We need better gun legislation and support for mental health. This is literally a matter of life and death

  2. It is so sad that two people have resorted to killing themselves years after these school shootings. We need to fix our gun legislation in the US.
