Monday, March 25, 2019

Haley Bogdon - Arsonist in California referred to New Zealand Attack in Graffiti

This article is about an arsonist who set fire to a Southern California mosque on Sunday and left a message referring to the terror attack at the mosques in New Zealand.  When the fire was set, there were severn people inside the mosque, but those seven people were able to put the flames out before the firefighters arrived.  Luckily, no one was injured.  The graffiti left was disturbing and showed the hatred that the arsonist had towards the victims.  Because of the message left, the fire is being investigated also as a hate crime, which will mean a larger punishment for the person who set the fire.  So far, no one has been caught, but the authorities are asking for any information or suspicious activity that witnesses may have seen.  

I think that this kind of hatred toward any group of people is disgusting and very sad and I hope that they find the person who started this fire.  There have been many attacks on Muslims and places where they worship and it is sad that this happened in the United States.  I hope that the punishments will be strict on this individual and that this will stop anyone else from performing a hate crime against innocent victims.  There is no reason to hate others who have different beliefs than you do - that is actually what makes this country great is that people are free to believe and worship how they want to.

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