Monday, March 25, 2019

The Russian Relationship - Hadley McGhee

As much as I hate to say it, there were no findings of collusion in the Trump campaign. However, it is indisputable that Russia did indeed meddle in the 2016 election. What does this mean for post-Cold War Russian relations?

 It means we still can't trust them.

While Trump and his campaign did not directly collude with Russia, Russia is still threatening and undermining the U.S. like they did during the Cold War.

It is believed that Russia swayed the election in Trump's favor because they knew that Clinton would not have tolerated some of Russia's foreign policy and because the Russians knew that Trump's presidency would further divide American politics and weaken our government. Could this mean that they are still trying to diminish the U.S.'s influence as a world power?

Whatever their true intentions may be, I have to wonder if the same anti-American sentiments still remain in Russia today.

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