Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Red Flag: Guns." An interpretation of CNN article by Adelaide Willert

"This Colorado sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce a proposed gun law"

In the article linked above by CNN reporter Scott McLean, a Coloradan sheriff has been given the choice of jail time or enforcement of a court order for refusing to uphold and enforce the controversial "red flag" bill that was recently proposed. So what's the "red flag" bill and why's it so controversial? McLean answers both of these questions in his article.

The "red flag" bill is Colorado's "extreme risk protection order" that would let a family member, member of household, or member of law enforcement petition a judge to take someone's firearms away if the person appeared to be a danger to others or themselves. This legislative action was pushed through the state government when a 29 year old deputy was killed in 2017 by a man with a plethora of firearms.

This new bill is so controversial because for many gun rights activists and members of law enforcement (who are constantly increasing in numbers), the bill has crossed a line and is too aggressive. Many say that it violates the second amendment by taking away a person's right to the firearms they own, and many say that it does almost nothing if the same is not applied to other weapons, such as concealed blades and blunt weapons.

I found this article intriguing for two reasons: one, I'm from Colorado so it's interesting to look back and see how much has changed in my childhood community, and to see how the current national issues have an effect on a state that I look at through rose-tinted glasses; two, gun control has become a major point of contention nationally and is something that I'm personally very passionate about. Guns are one of the reasons that I feel unsafe on a daily basis, so I would question what would cause someone to hesitate when they have what I see as an opportunity to make the world a safer place. It's infuriating when someone blatantly disregards perspectives other than their own in these country-wide debates, so when I get the opportunity to see what the other side thinks, I find it worthwhile to take a few minutes and read so that I can understand why other people justify having killing machines kept at their hips and in their garages. Ultimately, I believe that the "red flag" bill is one that should be passed; no one should even come close to touching a firearm if they don't have a clean bill of both physical and (more importantly) mental health. If someone is perceived to be in a position where they could harm others or themselves, it makes a whole world of sense to take away any weapons they could use to do so.

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