Monday, January 28, 2019

Virginia teachers plan to leave their classrooms for a day and march- Fiona Graybill

Today in Richmond, Virginia, teachers from around the state gathered to march in a rally organized by Virginia Educators United to protest the lack of funding for their schools. Teachers are demanding better pay along with providing much needed money for the school buildings and the staff within.

The article mentions that some of the teachers that planned to march were part of various teachers unions around the state. In the time period we just moved past in class, labor unions were on the rise and it is clear, through this protest and those similar to it throughout the country, that unions and fair pay/funding are just as relevant now as they were in the previous centuries. It is so important that the men and women responsible for educating the future generations are compensated adequately for their work and I hope that the states will respond positively in regard to these protests and, if all goes well, they will listen to the education front-liners and improve their school systems.


  1. Very well written article. I also believe that teachers should be paid appropriately for the job they are doing, and I hope that other states follow suit in teacher wages.

  2. I do agree on how teachers should be paid better for their jobs, they have many students to teach and get paid very little. ~ Stephannie Hernandez

  3. I hate that teachers don't get paid enough because there are some really good teachers out there that help their students with more than just school work. I think teaching is also about having a connection with the students and they are not given credit for that. I hope that some good comes out of this protest.

  4. I agree! It takes a lot to teach skills to students, especially when there are so many of us. I wonder if this "march" was a domino effect from the LA teacher strike that occurred a while ago.

  5. Teachers impact students lives so much and it is crazy that they do not get paid much.
