Sunday, January 27, 2019


In Louisiana a 21 year old man by the name of Dakota Theriot went on a killing spree and killed 5 innocent people. Including both of his parents , his new friend  , her father and brother. His grandmother was afraid that she would be next so she left to stay in a hotel and she was right because he was captured by the police who went to check on her house. He will be charged with multiple murder charges and 2 other charges.

This is crazy because from what I read he killed people who were strangers to him and were just trying to help him out. It’s not fair that a family was destroyed when they were just trying to be good people.

This goes back to gun licenses and gun violence laws. This man already had a minor charge so how was he able to obtain a gun. I think laws concerning gun should be stricter and harder to get. People die everyday by guns and mostly not for self defense. It’s becoming to easy to obtain one and just causes more violence in my opinion.

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