Monday, January 28, 2019

Four Officers Shot While Serving Warrant- adriana chavez

A report was made by some concerned neighbors with suspicions that drugs were being sold at a specific residence in Houston. In response, dozens of narcotic and patrol officers arrived at the scene and breached their way to the door while announcing themselves. However, in a shocking turn of events, gunfire rang from the house aimed towards the officers from two suspects waiting within. Four officers were struck, and the rest of the crew returned fire, killing the two suspects within the house. The injured officers are believed to be in critical but in stable condition at the hospital.

This article and event occurred today and was recently updated a little less than half an hour prior to when I came across it. It was published by CNN and written by Jason Morris. I had no prior knowledge to this event. This topic is honestly not even a surprise at this point. So many gun fights and lives are taken each day due to firearms and its proven it can happen anywhere, by anyone. I feel that these types of situations should and could be handled in a much less violent matter from any side of the situation. The officers made themselves known to the suspects, who then took that to their advantage to open fire towards them. What will it take to get the government to finally realize how severe of a problem this is and how much bigger it can get if we don't extinguish this flame already.

1 comment:

  1. This has become a cycle.. tragedy after tragedy. - Alma Alvarado- Cabrera
