Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Greenland Ice Sheets Reached "Tipping point"- Siobhan Crummey


Thanks to a recent study by Micheal Bevis, we can see that the ice sheets that once were massive in Greenland, were no longer massive. They are melting at an alarming rate, and much quicker than anyone expected for it. Bevis also says we may have already reached the turning point for us to fix what we have destroyed, and that we are beyond the point of return now. Normally, the ice sheets melt and freeze due to a normal dip in temperatures but recently, this cycle has been all over the place, and not freezing back again. These ice sheets contain enough water to raise the ocean levels by 23 feet! And THATS whats melting faster than it's supposed to.

This relates to history because we've been knowing about this and that this could happen for a while now, and yet, nobody made any effort to do anything about it. The audience should be big oil companies and world leaders who actually have the power to do something about it, but instead it's people like me, who have no power but recycling to change any of this.  The purpose of this article was to inform readers about the enormous threat.

1 comment:

  1. I read this article as well and i believe that it is so sad that this has been going on for yrs and nobody has made an effort to fix it. I agree with what you said about the oil companies and I never thought of that before. Good workkkkk
