Monday, January 28, 2019

Sophia Zhukova - A steam of diesel fuel and steel dust: what the passengers of the subway in New York breathe

The air in the New York subway is so polluted with diesel fumes, which are used by MTA diesel locomotives, which is fraught with serious diseases, doctors warn.
Because of the old trains, the concentration of diesel fumes on subway platforms is twice as high as on the streets of the Big Apple, said George Thurston, a professor at the New York University School of Medicine (NYU School of Medicine). According to former machinist Eric Legel, "this is the same as putting the head under the exhaust pipe of a car." For the past few weeks, L line train passengers have been feeling unwell due to an unpleasant odor, and some MTA employees have even been hospitalized. According to the MTA, the source of the smell could be an old tank gas station, working next to the line in East Williamsberg.
Some metro staff are already turning to doctors with asthma.
Despite all New Yorkers 'discontent and scientists' concerns, Shems Tarek assured: “The MTA has air quality control devices in the metro, and any reports of significant pollution are immediately investigated. The safety of customers and employees is our number one priority. ”

I always new that subway stations at New York are not in the best condition. Everyone who at least once could have a chance to go to NY went on a subway, and everyone always said how bad it is. Probably it is even the dirtiest metro in the whole world. But I always wanted to look at it anyway. But now, when I hear that it can be dangerous for my health I don't want to go there anymore. I searched up some more articles about danger of New York's metro, and it scared me that they have this problem for a long long time, but nobody never really did anything. Hopefully it'll change and I'll go out from the New York's subway alive

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