Monday, January 28, 2019

Avery Corley: Is Mueller's investigation coming to a close?

On this past Monday, the head of the justice department said that he believed special counsel Robert Mueller's Russian investigation might be nearing an end. Even though the comment on the investigation was brief and filled with unanswered questions, acting attorney general Matthew G. Walker's statement was the closest thing that the public has received on when a conclusion might be met. With just another one of Trumps known associates (Rodger Stone) being charged with possible cullusion with Russia, false statements, and witness tampering I am excited to see the results of the investigation...That is... if we can see it at al! William P. Barr who is being nominated  for the position of attorney general alluded to the fact that Mueller's investigation has the possibility of staying out of the publics eye.

This reminds me of Woodrow Wilson's idea of New Freedom which believed in getting rid of all the trusts and monopolies that was terrorizing the people and small business of the time. Woodrow Wilson was exposing and getting rid of the bad and corrupt, hopefully like Robert Muller's investigation will.


1 comment:

  1. I am exited to see the culmination of this, as it could potentially be one of the most impactful events of the 21th century.
    -Dillon Quicksall
