Monday, January 28, 2019

Violet Wiedemer- End to the Government shutdown

After a record-breaking 35-day government shutdown, Trump finally re-opened the government, staff saying that same government employees will be paid early this week, and some later in the week. The shutdown occurred as a result of discussions between Trump and Congress about border security, specifically the wall that Trump planned to build on the Mexican border.

The border wall reminds me of the nativism prominent in the late 19th and early 20th century, where immigrants were those who built amazing things like the transcontinental railroad, but white Americans still pushed for bans on their entrance into the country.


  1. It’s good to know the government has been re-opened. I hope it was a good lesson. And great connection to nativism!!

  2. It's always funny to me that Trump does something really stupid and fixes it by acting like it was all apart of the plan.
