Monday, January 28, 2019

Florida Man Finds Gernade While Fishing - Paige McManaman

This Saturday, while a Florida man was fishing just like any other day, he found an explosive. The fisherman pulled up a World War ll hand grenade, while using the magnet to search the water for collectible. The fisherman decided to throw the grenade in his truck and take it to Taco Bell where he called the police. The Taco Bell was evacuated,but was reopened later that day. A bomb squad had to come in and remove the device, and they did so without incident. 

This article made me realize how things can be unsave and questionable even in our everyday activities in the 21st century. I was crazy to me to think that 1. there would just be a random bomb planted in a random location to be found, and 2. that the fisherman did not take immediate action to call the police right away instead of going all the way to Taco Bell with his life in danger. This article somewhat relates to the Boston Marathon in the sense that things like this just happened at a random time for a random cause. People in the Boston Marathon caused no harm just running and the fisherman also was doing his own thing (even though he went all the way to taco bell).

Paige McManaman

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