Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jada Brown - Brazilian protest bill

Summary: Brazilians protest against their "corrupt congress."

Analysis: Brazilians are accusing politicians and leaders of scandals behind bills and government. Officials are even scared to speak out on subjects, afraid that they will lose their positions. They have been accused of things like money laundry and bribes from people. Protesters say that they do not need to be leaders and politicians because they  can not be trusted.

Synthesis: In the 19th century, there were many protesters that fought for what they believed in about the opinions on the government.


  1. This is why as Americans we should be thankful for the first amendment. Although there may seem to be corruption in the government we don't have to be afraid to speak out about it.

  2. I am in total agreement of the Brazilian people accusing their leaders for doing things that surpass their power. Citizens place a great amount of trust in them and for them to just break it is unacceptable.

  3. This reminds me a lot about our country going against britain rule
