Monday, December 12, 2016

Townley Jordan: New Texas Abortion Ruling Challenged By Women's Groups

Summary: Women’s rights groups said they would file a challenge today on the latest attempt by Texas legislation to restrict access to abortion. Under the law that is to take effect in seven days, embryonic and fetal tissue from abortions will have to be either buried or cremated, regardless of beliefs or wishes. Currently, clinics dispose of fetal remains through special medical waste services. Gov. Greg Abbott approved this legislation, saying fetal remains shouldn’t be, "treated like medical waste and disposed of in landfills.” The Center for Reproductive Rights, however, argued that the rules were designed to reduce women’s access to safe, legal abortions, by increasing the cost as well as the shame and stigma around abortions. With exception to those that occur at home, this rule will also apply to miscarriages. All of this was proposed a few days after the Supreme Court struck down Texas laws requiring that doctors performing abortions have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and that abortion clinics conform to the same building standards as walk-in surgical centers, saying that those rules obstructed women’s rights of access to an abortion without medical benefits. Reactions have been mixed, with a rape victim stating that burying the fetus would be like rubbing her rape in her face, but with another saying that it gave her a sense of peace.

Analysis: This article was written to inform it’s readers about what is presently going on in Texas regarding abortion. It seemed to favor women’s rights and abortions over the Texas legislation. It did include testimony from both sides, but in order for them to be able to testify, both of these women were getting abortions. And said in a general statement, that seems to be what the Texas government is against. By passing these futile laws that make it harder, or more expensive for women to get abortions, they are trying to sneakily go against women’s right to abortions. Texas passing laws to indirectly go against abortions can synthesize to southern states passing the black codes and the Jim Crow Law, which didn’t completely stop African Americans from getting their freedom, but seriously hindered it.

Link: New Texas Abortion Ruling Challenged

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