Thursday, December 22, 2016

Economists report surging income inequality-Austin Wallace

The top one percent is now making an Income almost twice as large as the bottom fifty percent of people, a group, by definition, fifty times as large.Economist have analyzed tax reports, national surveys and national data to come to this determination. They suggest state officials consider improving education, access to skills, reforming the labor market and instituting a higher minimum wage.

This is not very shocking. We've always known that the upper echelons of society had the majority of the power in the country. What s being debated is weather that is a good thing. Many say that the free market should not be touched, or it would risk the integrity of the system. My rebuttal however, is that integrity has already been compromised. We are living a a very different world than before the internet. It has created many new opportunities, yes, but has also created new exploits for those few to take power.

Many would say that we have no class system in america, and maybe not inherently, but it has become very clear that we do. It reminds me of the long standing english caste system, who's presence from colonial times can still be felt throughout the United States and England.

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