Saturday, December 10, 2016

Liam Taylor - Was Russia the Only Reason Trump Won the Election?

Summary: Donald Trump was furious when the CIA announced that the Russia intervened with the election, which is the only reason that he could have possibly won the election. In response, Trump stated that the election was so long ago, it's time to move on, and to stop making excuses for his win. He also made a vicious stab at the CIA by saying, "They were the ones who claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction," which was totally incorrect. Even Russia was upset, because they don't want to be dragged into American politics, nor do they want to get in any sort of fight with America.

Analysis: This article was written on December 10, 2016, today. I had no prior knowledge to this event until I read about it, but I'm glad I heard about it. What's really crazy is that if the CIA and Donald Trump have already gotten into a battle, and his official presidency hasn't even begun! The CIA and the president have to work together throughout the presidential term, so if they aren't on good terms, stuff is sure to go down.

Synthesis: This is a lot like the terrible things that went on when Lincoln was elected president. So many people committed acts of violence, killed, and attacked others when Lincoln won the presidency, and not the candidate they wanted. I say this relates because Trump isn't even our president yet and we've already seen and heard of so many things like this happening.


  1. It was very shocking that Donald Trump did win the election and I definitely felt at the time that it was some sort of scheme that he did. I just knew that there were so many odds stacked against him, however, this article confirms that an outside force intervened and had an influence on this election.

  2. Whats interesting was not to long ago he was asking for a recount to prove he won the popular vote because many people who aren't US citizens voted and now he won't to move past the election?

  3. It is scary that Trump is speaking out against the CIA before he has even become president. If he thinks he is above the CIA, they are not going to cooperate well together. It is so strange that one man thinks he knows what he is talking about over the CIA which wouldn't put out false information, and I'm sure had tons of people working to figure out what happened.

  4. Trump is still instilling so much fear in the lives of so many people in our country and his presidency hasn't begun. I worry about what he'll do when he actually has such a large amount of power.
