Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lauren Brady Period 4 12/11/16 First Ever Mummified Dinosaur Tail Found

       At an amber market in Myanmar, Chinese paleontologist Xing Lida discovered a 99 million-year-old tail preserved in amber. It belonged to a small (sparrow-sized) dinosaur in the coelurosaur group. The amber reveals, in perfect 3D detail, feathers, as opposed to scales. This tail is the first of its kind, and scientists are rushing to study it. 

       This discovery is really impressive. It is very neat how all of the detail is preserved in amber, rather than fossilized. It shows all the detail of a 99 million-year-old creature! Hopefully, more discoveries like this one will paint an entirely new picture of dinosaurs, one that is much more realistic, three-dimensional, detailed, and accurate. The first ever discovered dinosaur (fossilized) was in 1822. It was an Iguanodon. The teeth and bones were discovered by Gideon A. Mantell and his wife. The Iguanodon was named such by Mantell in 1825. The long history of discovering fossils is still continuing, and improving, and I look forward to even more. 


  1. This is so interesting! It's crazy to think about the fact that even with all that we know about the dinosaurs, there's still so much to be found.

  2. THIS IS LIT DINOSAURS ARE SO COOL and they're basically dragons. I can't wait to learn more about dinosaurs and the universe in general like what about aliens? Is there really going to be a 6th mass-extinction in the next few generations? How does space work? Why is the universe expanding? Does 1/0 have an actual value? What explains paranormal phenomena?
    -Cal Thompson
