Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Zoe Norton-Rodriguez---9th---Honey bees swarm deputy’s patrol car while stuck inside

A strange accident happened in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, around 1pm a truck crashed. It seems like a normal incident except that the truck was filled with BEES! The bees escaped the truck and surrounded Deputy Carl Zink's police patrol car! He was trapped in his car because there were so many bees. He had to wait until the bees were cleared before he drove away and only got one beesting. The driver of the truck that was carrying the bees wasn't as fortunate. Scott Woods got stung all over, his lips, his back, his nose and his eyes. Reports said bees traveled as far as half a mile away and it took hours for the bee keepers to catch the bees. 

This is important because bees are a very  important species that is in danger. If we run out of bees, we all die. I was glad to see that the people in charge of this dealt with it properly by calling in an beekeeper  rather than an exterminator. Every bee life matters so learning to deal with them properly and not just scream "kill it" is an important step we all must take if we want our species to prosper.


  1. Olivia Browne (Period 6)
    What a tragic event to a beloved police officer.

  2. Man oh Man! This is tough situation!! I love honey

  3. Oh no! poor bees, hope everyone is okay and found their queen safe and sound -Eva Semrad

  4. Yes, I agree with you, these bees are so crucial to the survival of the human race, so we will have to find a way to not kill them even if they are annoying.

  5. Bee stings on his eyes... that is the definition of a nightmare.
    I'm more concerned about the fact that he had bees in his car.
