Monday, September 28, 2015

Changes in Amercia by Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

Times are changing in America and suddenly things are changing quickly. Three major events occurred the week of June 21st in America, same sex-couples were given the right to get married in all 50 states, the Confederate Flag started to disappear from politics in the South, and Obamacare has returned from yet another attempt to get rid of it. President Obama made the point that the equal rights guarantee should widen as times change. There have been many debates on if the Confederate Flag should be taken out of the Nation's Capitol.

I agree with the President, when the constitution was written it was mainly focused on slaves and giving every person equality but now is very different from the 1700s. Discrimination is still happening but with different groups of people, like same sex marriage.
I think that having a Confederate Flag in the Capitol isn't bad because it was a part of our history and we can't change that, but I don't think that Walmart should be selling them in stores.


  1. I agree that people should learn about the confederate flag, it is not something that can just be erased from history. People need to be taught the meaning of the flag and how it came to be, but also about how this country has evolved since the creation of the flag. -Claudia Anthony

  2. Bernadette NEgrete: promoting the flag in stores is more for people whom believe in what the flag stands for, and those morals are wrong in todays society. i dont believe selling them is wise although it is apart of history, the morals shouldn't be supported. Let it stay in history.

  3. I agree that having the confederate flag in the Capitol is not a bad thing. It is a part of our history and we can't change that. I also think that these recent events have all been a step in the right direction.
    -Victoria Garza

  4. Every American deserves to know the pros and cons of the American and Confederate flag in their respective ways. Obamacare is great and Republicans advertising to rid of it ONLY because they aren't democrats can be gone with the wind. - Cassidy Jones
