Monday, September 28, 2015

Putin steals Obamas Thunder- Londyn Alexander pd:9

Vladimir Putin attended the United Nations this Monday for the first time in 10 years, and challenged US  leadership on how we should resolve the ISIS crisis. It is said that America was upstaged by Putin, and the Chinese and Iranian presidents as well. This also led to president Obama having to defend his foreign policy that is already receiving controversy from the republican party back home. Putin the main challenger of the American policy has already built u an army and Syria and gained support from the Syrian President.

I don't think Putin out shined Obama with his accusations or intellectually stimulating questions, but it was rather just the presence of Putin that stole the show. I find it fishy the what seems to be an alliance between Putin and Syria. I can't see that relationship ending ver well, and feel it should raise a certain level of American concern.

1 comment:

  1. the whole foreign policy seems even fishier and the fact that Putin was even questioning it just adds even more to it
