Monday, September 28, 2015

"ESCARG-WHOA! Snails So Small You Can Fit 10 In A Needle's Eye" Nora Bracy 5th pd.

Scientists in southern China recently discovered a species of land snail. Now considered the smallest species, 10 of these micro-snails can fit into the eye of a needle. Little is still known about how these snails function, but it's assumed that they feed off of microorganisms. They were discovered in a soil sample just north of Vietnam.

The discovery of these minuscule snails may seem as small as them, but it's actually really important!! It really does show how little we've actually discovered about the Earth. Imagine if we explored the ocean more deeply, what we could find. Plus, these snails aren't just some undiscovered species, they're the smallest so far. Who knows, maybe in a couple years, we'll find snails small enough that we can fit 11 into a needle's eye.


  1. New species are always fun! There is so little and seemingly so much that we have discovered. Can't wait to find out more about these little guys!

  2. The earth is so infinite, and so is the entire world! This proves my point that there's definitely aliens and almost .0001% chance of there NOT being aliens! Yay nature!
