Sunday, September 27, 2015

Carly Fiorina Confronted by Planned Parenthood Activist- Emily Rosuck 4th

Carly Fiorina recently attended a support rally where she was confronted by a Planned Parenthood Activist. The activist asked Fiorina how she, as a woman, could support the defunding of women's health care. Fiorina responded by saying she does support women's healthcare, but she doesn't support the butchering of live babies and harvesting their brains. Fiorina then urged the women to watch the "defund planned parenthood" videos, to which the women responded that she had and that she works for the criminal justice system, the conversation continued to get more heated and Fiorina makes false claims and the activist calls her on it. At the end of the day this much is true; even though all of Fiorina's claims are lies, every single one, she says them with such confidence and almost scariness, it's hard not to give in. On that same level, I don't understand how any forward thinking women could even give Fiorina the time of day.
Fiorina made claims from how babies are aborted, which she describes as "butchering live fetuses and harvesting their brains" (which is entirely medically inaccurate) to who funds these abortions, she claims it's the federal government, but in reality it's private donors. This means that if Planned Parenthood was defunded, they wouldn't be federally defunding abortions, they'd be defunding contraceptive distribution, birth control, breast and cervical exams, and counseling for people who need it the most. It must be pretty easy for Fiorina today say we should defund them as I'm sure she's never had to struggle to find affordable healthcare, or affordable anything, in her entire life. I dare her to look into the eyes of a homeless, pregnant teenage girl and tell her that she doesn't deserve to be helped. Fiorina sounds very convincing in everything she says, but if people stopped being intimidated by the tone of her voice and really criticizing what she's actually saying, I guarantee you'll find completely false information. It is so important that we don't let politicians scare us, as they will say anything, I mean anything, for a vote. We need more people like the PP activist who was willing to step up and confront her about her misinformation, because there's only one her and a million of us.


  1. It's crazy how people are blindly believing her claims, despite there being literally no proof of anything she described.

  2. People always believe what an ignorant person says if they just say it with enough conviction. Unfortunately it happens all of the time.
    -Isabella Montague 5th period
