Sunday, September 27, 2015

victoria rhodes 5th period "Mexico's missing students case"

a group of students was brutally shot and murdered by police officers attempting to re-open a highway. jose angel Navarette was among the group of students who was targeted. Navarette called his father letting him know that him and a group of students were being attacked on the  grounds of the school and that he didn't know what to do. his father told him to do his best to escape and to take care of himself. the last thing his father heard was the chaos in the background before the call disconnected. to this day the case is still open one year later and no one is really sure what happened. the group was made up of 100 students and 49 of them are still missing. Mexican officials came out with the statement that they were shot and cremated then dumped in the river nearby but that was quickly shut down when the information didn't line up. the investigation is still open and waiting for more evidence to come to a conclusion.

police brutality seems to have been inclining for a while and this proves that this issue is not only prevalent in the U.S but in other countries too. the police shot before they knew the entire story yet they claim they shot because the students were trespassers. the students didn't even have weapons, it was just a careless act that had very grave repercussions. this careless act left several families without their children and no one should need to go through this.

this however is not anything new, abuse of power has been intact since the colonial times. an example would be when the king of England abused his power to inflict taxes on the colonies and when he sent unnecessary redcoats to the colonies that abused the colonists.

1 comment:

  1. That's horrible that they would shoot not one but an entire group of students and to make it even worse, on the grounds of a school? I do agree that abuse of power is a rising problem in the world and should quickly be stopped. (Jillian Linnear P.8)
