Monday, September 28, 2015

Water found on Mars: Samantha Arthur 1st period

Nasa Scientists have recently discovered that there is in fact water on Mars! This is a huge break through for the future of life on Mars and the common question asking if there really life beyond Earth. The discovery of H20 doesn't promise that human life can survive on Mars, but it sure boosts hopes that it will one day be possible.

I think exploring the unknown is one of the scariest things any human can do. The possibility of life on Mars and life anywhere in makes me nervous and I'm in complete awe of anyone willing to go and try it. I did think that life on Mars was kind of a farce, but now I'm completely intrigued.

1 comment:

  1. Darby McMahon Pd#9
    I have never heard of this! This is crazy to think of and really interesting. It would be so cool to one day be able to live on Mars. I am really excited to see what is to come of this.
