Monday, September 28, 2015

NASA to Reveal Mars mystery- Londyn Alexander pd: 9

A new Discovery about mars has solved by NASA. The space program is said to reveal it on Monday,and that it will be broadcasted live on NASA television. The announcement has caused a lot of discussion the possibilities ranging from Martians to fictional characters. NASA does have plans to send humans to the red planet by the 2030's, and its seems possible since they've had robotic exploration since the 1960's.

I find this extremely exciting. I don't have any predictions on what the new discovery could be on the red planet,but have a feeling it's going to be revolutionary for a lack of better words. I also feel like this could potentially  lead to another space race with a world power.

1 comment:

  1. This is very exciting and innovating news! I agree that a significant discovery could lead to another space race which would lead to even more knowledge and advancements in space or even space travel.
