Monday, September 28, 2015

The moral call for equality- Londyn Alexander pd:9

The Pope came to New York City, America on Thursday September 24, marking an amazing day in history. Pope Francis allows us to hear from a people who's voices have been suppressed,and has a vision of " A radical shift in the way the whole world does business to address forcefully the existential threat of climate change." He is also pushing for global equality among all people. As well as  putting into action his belief  "money must serve not rule." It has encouraged many policies of equality that have been proposed  such as the progressive Agenda.

It's really cool that I get to experience this moment  history. I hope that the Popes ideals leave a lasting impact on our countries policies, because I feel like they could enact tremendous things. The Progressive Agenda is going to do a lot of good for many of the less fortunate,and lead to a better over all America.


  1. I agree with you that this is a significant time in our history, and it's really cool to think that what we are hearing on the news right now will be things eventually in our kids history books.

  2. I think it is amazing the Pope visited America. We are making history and I agree that now is the time for equality and change. The Pope's ideas need to spread and eventually make more history that our children will be talking about.
