Monday, September 28, 2015

Floating Farms// Kai Jones 1st period

In this article, these solar powered, floating barges have space for farming above and fish farms below. the project is based in Barcelona. Forward Thinking Architecture is pushing for its smart floating farms concept to investors and cities that are interested in it. The different modes of the system are fantastic as they can start as single vessels or connect and become an entire fleet. Each barge is designed to be able to grow over 8 tons of produce and almost 2 tons of fish a year. Every platform is also designed to be super self sufficient using solar, wind, and wave power and they need little human interaction to work. There is not a set date for the first launch of one of these amazing structures. However, it is very possible to create with the technology we have.

As the human population continues to grow, food supply becomes a bigger and bigger worry. Also, there are floating homes and apartments that are being developed and plan to launch soon. These farms would be a great help to the impending food crisis especially as we lose more and more of our environment to global warming and climate change. Areas that once held vast plains are slowly turning more into deserts. Our planet is mostly water and it seems to be the next frontier for us. Time to colonize on the oceans. I hope that these farms can be launched soon so we can see where it might take us in the future.

1 comment:

  1. 72 percent of planet earth is water! This is a great idea! This could be a world solution to hunger and over population. Very cool story can't wait to hear more on this topic!
