Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boehener's Resignatation - Londyn Alexander pd: 9

John Bohener's resignation is evoking leadership that could be a potential turning point for the Republican part. Kevin Mcarthy is rumored to replace him for the leadership position. "One of the sources said there's going to be an effort to make sure House Republicans have a good understanding of who McCarthy is and where he came from, defining him before others can do it for him. The source cited accusations that he is pro-amnesty on immigration as an area in particular that they want to defend him over."

I personally have no feelings towards this event, nor do I feel like it's a influential occurrence in American history. I feel like it could be a new age for the republican party, and that their ideals will modify slightly. Based on the feedback this is getting I can only assume that this is a somewhat "revolutionary" moment for the  party.

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